How can a soccer coach monetize his competencies online?

Because of COVID-19, many athletes faced limitations, training process became difficult, or impossible. It's no secret that without regular soccer training, skills weaken. The pandemic and a period of self-isolation proved the demand for the online format, so soccer coaches have a great opportunity to adapt their work online and monetize their competencies well.

How to build a personal brand on Instagram?

Now, clients choose the instructor themselves, giving preference to professionals. Building a personal brand helps the trainer to identify himself, show his expertise and stand out from the competition.

First, create a strong positioning: in the profile header, describe your experience, personal achievements and the achievements of your clients, indicate the strengths and advantages of working with you.

Generate useful content that will provide comprehensive training and harmonious development of the soccer player: create material about how to master ball-handling techniques, how to improve soccer thinking, how to develop the speed of decision-making on the field, the ability to analyze the situation around and switch to changing conditions, how to train independently, how to train strength and improve nutritional ration. Dilute educational content with motivation, sports news, create interesting picks and checklists.

Developing a blog is complex work, aimed not only at revealing your professionalism but also at promoting it. At the start, it is important to buy real Instagram followers and other activity metrics, use targeted advertising, order advertising integration from bloggers, do mutual PR, conduct marathons, etc. These actions will ensure a steady stream of the audience and further converting into customers.

How to generate sales?

When your brand gathers a community of loyal users, you get the opportunity to sell your knowledge and do it at a higher price.

One of the sources of constant passive income is online courses. You can create an info product once, and it will provide automatic sales for several years. To create demanded material you should meet the needs of your target audience, understand their basic objectives, desires and problems. Based on this information, choose the most popular and relevant topic in your niche.

A good course is always an intersection of theory and practice. If you create an exercise program, explain how it works, which muscles are involved, and include a video with proper technique.

Even if it's your first course, it should look flawless. Take care of high quality, buy a professional video camera and microphone. To speed up sales, use the social proof trigger: publish testimonials, and build credibility with high statistics. Especially at the initial stages, it is effective to buy Instagram followers, likes, comments, to create the effect of mass and demand.

To sum up, in today's world, every service moves towards personification, so now it is profitable to pack your strengths in branding, and use effective ways of promotion. By forming a large social capital, you can sell your info products at a higher price. Moreover, you do not depend on location and can sell online training courses to people from different countries.