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Odds to Make the 2019-2020 NBA Playoffs

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Lines courtesy of BetMGM

As of October 22, 2019

Note: 2019-2020 regular season cut short due to the pandemic and all bets were voided. Teams not playing in the bubble played around 65 games and teams that played in the buble played around 73 games.

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Conference Team Make Odds Miss Odds Result
Eastern Atlanta Hawks +200 -280 MISS
Eastern Boston Celtics -1080 +560 MAKE
Eastern Brooklyn Nets -260 +180 MAKE
Eastern Charlotte Hornets +950 -1950 MISS
Eastern Chicago Bulls +200 -280 MISS
Eastern Cleveland Cavaliers +850 -1750 MISS
Western Dallas Mavericks +190 -270 MAKE
Western Denver Nuggets -1500 +700 MAKE
Eastern Detroit Pistons +120 -160 MISS
Western Golden State Warriors -420 +300 MISS
Western Houston Rockets -1580 +750 MAKE
Eastern Indiana Pacers -750 +450 MAKE
Western Los Angeles Clippers -2750 +1250 MAKE
Western Los Angeles Lakers -700 +434 MAKE
Western Memphis Grizzlies +950 -1950 MISS
Eastern Miami Heat -310 +230 MAKE
Eastern Milwaukee Bucks -6000 +2000 MAKE
Western Minnesota Timberwolves +400 -600 MISS
Western New Orleans Pelicans +200 -280 MISS
Eastern New York Knicks +550 -1050 MISS
Western Oklahoma City Thunder +450 -750 MAKE
Eastern Orlando Magic -195 +155 MAKE
Eastern Philadelphia 76ers -4500 +1500 MAKE
Western Phoenix Suns +950 -1950 MISS
Western Portland Trail Blazers -290 +210 MAKE
Western Sacramento Kings +240 -320 MISS
Western San Antonio Spurs -185 +145 MISS
Eastern Toronto Raptors -600 +400 MAKE
Western Utah Jazz -1500 +700 MAKE
Eastern Washington Wizards +550 -1050 MISS