Start your own gambling business

There is no question about how profitable and exciting the sports betting business is, and that’s why, every day, more and more people want to get involved and get a piece of the pie. A few years ago, the idea of creating a sportsbook business from scratch, or even running one that already existed, was just a wild idea in the back of some people, it was a crazy thought, unreachable most of the time. Things have changed now with the help of the Price per Head industry, and bookies from all over the world now have a real chance of success, without having to risk it all in the process.

How can Price per Head help me start my own gambling business?

If you’re not familiar yet with the term, Price per Head is a whole industry, a branch of the sports betting industry, if you want to call it that, in which different companies provide complete solutions for sportsbook services, day-to-day operations, for just a small weekly fee per active customer.

What this means is that you can actually hire a whole sports betting company to run your daily operation, all for just a small fee per head, which can vary and go from $5 to $10. In our case, here in we charge $7 or less, which makes things pretty affordable and gives everyone the opportunity to give this a try.

Let’s put it in simple numbers, let’s say you have a sportsbook, or you’re an agent, and you have a total of 50 players. Let’s say your fee is set at $7 per head, and during Thanksgiving week 42 of your 50 players were active. This means that for that week you would have to pay a total of $294 only, for your entire operational cost. The week after Thanksgiving 10 other players went inactive, so only 32 played, in this case, you would need to pay $224. Get it? It’s as simple as that!

What does this PPH fee include?

For that small weekly fee, here at we will provide you with every single service and tool needed to be able to run a successful sportsbook business. Our team will be the one putting up and dealing your lines and markets, we will provide Customer Service and wagering personnel, we will give you your very own website, you and your players will be able to use our state-of-the-art sports betting software and platform, you will have access to all the best reporting tools in the industry, and so on.

The list is quite long, so our advice is for you to go to our website right now so that you can check all the info, contact us through our live chat if you have any questions, and if you want to go a bit deeper already, sign up for our free 4-week trial at any time. There are no hidden fees or commissions, you can test our system and tools, no strings attached, we’ll guide you through anything you need, and once you’re ready, we’ll officially sign you up. There is no rush for us, we just want you to feel comfortable and join when you're ready to go big!

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